Sunday, August 8, 2010


i had a great time yesterday!
i dapat overnight!haha..last minit punya berita..ingat kan minggu ne dah xdapat keluar..skali....pukul 12.30 tgh hari semalam..kapten buat penguguman kata kami dapat overnight..start dari pukul 3 petang semalam..sampai pukul 6 petang rini..hee~(padahal..dapat keluar pukul 6 petang.....announce ja kata start pukul 3 petang....=.=)
dalam hati sapa tau rasa gena..haha!lama mana dah duk harap dapat overnight..selalu dapat outing saja..rasa cam xbebas..sebab time limit dia kejap sangat..xsempat apa2 lagi..dah kena balik..haha..kali ne,dapat la bernafas cikit..xda la kalut2 macam selalu..tapi...yaang sedihnya...keluar overnight semalam ne ada tujuan...nak membeli satu barang keperluan..tapi sebab seronok punya pasal..lupa habis...adoi....nasib laaa..seronok date lah!haha!thanks my dear oney!

semalam i tido kat UM a.k.a universiti malaya...tumpang bilik member ja la..xda arah tujuan semalam..dengar ja kata dapat overnght...teros terpikir.....'mana aku nak tido malam ne eh mau aku kuar' firstly i pikir nak tido hotel ja..haha..bajet kemas la konon..skali..cek dompet..ada RM 100 ja..ceh..jangan berangan la shahir oiii..hak3! so..pikir punya pikir..ada my dear suggest suh tumpang kat UM..haha..alang2..dah benda free..hee~ (terok.terok.terok.) first destination keluar dari UPNM adalah...BB!haha!bukan p mencari 'white people' naaa..hak3! someone is waiting for me there....actly..i ada snap beberapa gambar..tapi tu lah....xdapat nak mengupload kan kedalam blog..sebab gambar 2 ada dalam fon u all know..memory kad phone i di kebas orang..soo..gambar semua ada dalam phone memory n i xada usb wire nak connect ngan phone ne..huu..
okeyh lah..itu saja..

Monday, August 2, 2010

here i am...

long time no see yeah..actly..i have forgot my pass to log in here..
i've been tried for weeks to log in..haha..maybe 'foward roll' and 'side roll' here make me lost half of my mmory..haha!
btw..its kinda fun to be here..but not always fun yeah......mostly not la..huu..T.T..
but who cares right....?i made the complaining yeah SHAHIR!

i have many things..moment..n.......bla.bla.bla to share with this blog..but..i don't know how 2 start it....many things happen 2 me here...starting from 22/5/2010 until now i've been in this university...who know yeah that i still can still standing here until now..haha..i spend 6 weeks in here doing all the military training...

actly i got some pictre to EXT HARD DISC have been stolen....shit! all my stuff are in that HD....
fyi...someone also stole my hamberger.......stupid right...hurgh.....thats why i said...its hard to be here...haha
thats all 4 now...
saja tulis dalam b.i. sebab aku nak mengarut...haha..xreti pon sbenarnya..